She (Apsara) is an epitome of pleasures
In all sadhanas concerning the supernatural, the most sought
after is Apsara sadhana. Apsara sadhana is a unique epitome of
beauty, and beauty is the very basis of joy, liveliness, and enthusiasm in life
More than human beings, it is nature’s inherent characteristic to beautify itself. The entire nature remains engaged with each moment in beautifying itself, each moment trying to look novel & this is why it appears to so pleasant to us. Beautification means ever remaining connected to the essence of life, ever presenting oneself in a lively form and not allowing any dullness to creep into one’s life.
Making oneself look good is a way of being respectful to the self & it is only one who is respectful to the self can respect others or respect other’s life. One who respects life cannot distance oneself from beauty, for it is through beauty that joy is born & beauty is the basis of progress in life. This fact is not just true materially, but also spiritually & more so in the world of sadhanas.
In the materialistic world, beauty or joy that is felt through it cannot be described, rather it can only be experienced. In the spiritual world, the same can be experienced by the confluence of Bindu & Naad, the positive & negative, Ying and Yang.
Naad represents Shiva, while Bindu represents Shakti. The entire universe has been created by the confluence of Bindu and Naad. And this confluence is catalyzed by no other force than beauty. It is from beauty that Kaam or sexual desire is born & in the Indian culture, Kaam is not something to be ashamed of, rather it is considered to be one of the prime elements of life. In India, Kaam is the essence of life, Kaam is not just limited to physical relations, rather in its most exhaled form it signifies the sadhana of Naad & Bindu. No human can be indifferent to this important element of life, not even an ascetic because it is the very basis of the creation of a new being.
The thought or feeling or desire which the parents have at the time of copulation gets ingrained in the subconsciousness of the child and it ever remains a part of its psyche throughout life. Every person should surely have a desire for sex, but he should not be lustful, for lust is harmful and pushes one into darkness. But what is the way of transforming lust into pure desire?
The only method is sadhana of the beauty element or developing a sensitivity towards beauty. It is only after this that one can realize the beauty of the Supreme Element which created all beautiful things in the world. And without doubt, the beauty of the creator is always superior to that of his creation. The first image that springs to the mind when one talks about beauty is that of a woman. In a way, beauty & woman are synonymous and it is in no way unnatural, for a woman is the most vibrant form of beauty that exists in nature – not just physically but because of her softer emotions & feelings.
The beauty that is expressed through feelings is known as Laasya or divine dance. And dance does not mean movement of the hands and the feet. True dance is when the heart dances and this happens when some beautiful feeling rises in the heart.
The magazine often provides sadhanas of Apsaras & Yakshinis, so that sadhaks could try them and give rise to beauty in their lives and know what it means to sing & dance. And it is very important for every sadhak, for all Gods & Goddesses are full of liveliness & are never burdened by sorrows like humans.
When a child first enters school, he is taught A for Apple & not A for Abstain because the child cannot grasp the meaning of that word. To teach it, one has to put forward beautiful and easy examples. To explain beauty, one is forced to present it in its well-known forms, but it does not mean that we should limit its meaning. And even if such a meaning tends to emphasize the physical aspects, it is still far more decent than the lustful movements of body shown on televisions.
And such things cannot be banned, for Kaam is but natural in humans. If its flow is restricted, it shall find expression through some other channel, maybe even leading to perversions in the individual. It is to avoid such a perversion that the institution of marriage was born. It is based on the concept of permanent coming together of a man & a woman and it is a boon of the civilized world otherwise there was no such system in the stone age. The complete unit that is formed by the coming together of a man & a woman is unique, at least that is what we believe in our culture.
It is mentioned in the Rig Veda that when a newlywed bride is blessed as – May you have ten sons and may your husband be your eleventh son! And the feeling behind such a blessing is that after ten years of marriage, the husband and wife should be free of all desires of sex and the woman should so strongly identify with the feeling of motherhood that she should start to consider her husband as her child.
Coming from the mouths of such great sages who had a total outlook towards life, how can anyone comment on Kaam to be useless? Sadhana of beauty or of Apsara have been created by such great sages. Society might well have come to accept marriage to be a means of channelizing the basic instincts of human beings, but it is not necessary that this means would sublimate his instincts. If this had been so, one would not rush from one marriage into another and then into another, or one would not lust after other women having married once.
The feelings can be sublimated and made pure only through the experience of true beauty. A person walks through a garden, and he feels delighted on seeing the flowers in full blossom. Another person picks a flower and pins it to his shirt while a third plucks a flower, smells it and then crushes it under his feet. The first person knows what true beauty is, the second believes in physical enjoyment while the third possesses the mentality of a molester. Now it is up to you to decide where you stand. Feelings are most important in life, if not in material life, then certainly in the spiritual.
The most creative phase of life of a human is from 21 to 50 years. After the fiftieth year, the sensitivity towards newness in life or the virtue of taking up new challenges starts to wane. This phase of life is important not only because of its physical & mental potential, but also because in it one can prepare for the life that lies beyond the fiftieth year.
In this very phase of life, one sadhana that should be accomplished at all costs is the Apsara sadhana, for through it one gains physical energy, liveliness & joy that proves vital in the years to come. It is a well experienced fact that if other sadhanas are tried after accomplishing Apsara sadhana, then one attains success faster because after accomplishing Apsara sadhana, without doubt certain changes occur in the body of the sadhak which keep him youthful lifelong.
The ancient texts contain several sadhanas related to Apsaras in which six to seventeen lakh mantra chanting is required. We do not wish to criticize these texts but want to emphasize the fact that if a sadhak obtains some special energized mantra from a SadGuru, then he need not perform tough or complex sadhanas.
The success rate of sadhana depends more on the fact whether it has been gifted to the sadhak by a realized spiritual master. Among the foremost of Apsaras, Rambha has a special place, for she is not breathtakingly beautiful, rather she is also very charming & graceful. She excels in everything – beauty, singing, dancing, poetry, humor, liveliness, joy & enthusiasm. Through her sadhana, even an old person could become young & fortunate. Every man & woman should try this sadhana for gaining true manliness and beauty.
If the beauty of the entire nature could be condensed in a form, it would be that of Rambha. She possesses a beautiful body, attractive breasts, dark black hair, lively eyes, ever smiling lips & a mesmerizing charm that could quicken the heart beats of even yogis. Even the Gods long for her company and are attracted by the diving fragrance that emanated from her celestial form. She remains well dressed in the richest of clothes & ever appears youthful and charming. As a beloved, she offers all material comforts to the sadhak besides endowing him with mental powers, physical strength & handsomeness.
Once this sadhana is perfected, she follows the sadhak in an invisible form like a shadow & fulfills all the wishes. She also bestows a unique magnetism to an individual which draws others to him automatically. Another boon of this sadhana is – all the diseases, weakness & infirmities of the body are removed forever.
This is one of the best sadhanas of life, which not only Yogis but also Gods have tried in the past. It is the most beautiful sadhana, for through it loves & devotion becomes a part of one’s life. If there is no love in life, a person becomes easy prey to tensions & diseases and dies in sorrow. The most wonderful means of expressing love is Rambha Sadhana & those who have not tried this sadhana do not truly know what true love, beauty, joy and pleasure are.
One needs mantra energized Rambotkeelan Yantra, Rambha rosary, Saundarya Gutika and Saafalya Mudrika for this sadhana. This is a 27 days sadhana and should be tried at night. This sadhana can also be started from any full moon night. Take a bath & wear clean attractive clothes. Sit on a yellow mat facing East and place a wooden plank before yourself. Cover it with a fresh piece of pink cloth. Place picture of SadGurudev on the plank and worship Him with vermillion, rice grains, flowers, etc. Light a ghee lamp & an incense stick. Chant one round of Guru Mantra with the rosary. Pray to Gurudev for success in sadhana.
Next take a steel plate and place it in front of Gurudev’s picture. Take some flowers in both hands and pray to Rambha speaking thus –
Bho! Rambhe Aagachchha Poorna Youvan Sanstute.
Spread the flowers on the steel plate. Now sprinkle some fragrance on yourself. Bathe the yantra with pure water and wipe dry and put it on the plate. Place Saundarya Gutika & Saafalya Mudrika on left and right side of the yantra respectively. Offer vermillion, rice grains, incense & flowers on to the sadhana articles. Take some rice dyed in pink & offer it on to the yantra with your right hand speaking the below mantras.
Om Divyaayei Namah
Om Praanpriyaayei Namah
Om Vaagishwaryei Namah
Om Urjaasvalaayei Namah
Om Soundarya Priyaayei Namah
Om Dev Priyaayei Namah
Om Youvan Priyaaeyi Namah
Om Eishwarya Priyaaeyi Namah
Om Soubhagyadaayei Namah
Om Dhandaayei Rambhaayei Namah
Om Aarogya Pradaayei Namah
Next chant 11 rounds of the below mantra.
Keep two rose garlands every Friday during the sadhana procedure. Put one around your neck & keep the other for Rambha. When you feel that some eternal being is around you or if you smell a sweet fragrance or if you can visualize the form of the Apsara on closing your eyes, put the second garland around the yantra.
One might experience several things during these 27 days. One especially has a feeling of joy and feels a lot younger & handsome. Sadhikas have tried this sadhana and have found it to increase their beauty. After completing the sadhana, wear the ring (Saafalya Mudrika) in your ring finger & drop all the sadhana articles in a river or pond. This is a tested sadhana and if tried with full faith, one’s wishes are sure to be fulfilled.
It is mandatory to obtain Guru Diksha from Revered Gurudev before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Please contact Kailash Siddhashram, Jodhpur through Email , Whatsapp, Phone or Submit Request to obtain consecrated-energized and mantra-sanctified Sadhana material and further guidance,